Saturday, September 28, 2013

PressTV: It’s time to kill the Zionist vampire

By Jim W. Dean

The past fears of the Zionist Lobby here are now crumbling before our eyes, and it is the duty of all loyal Americans and institutions to support those who had stuck their necks out to get us to this point. We have to get the weed killer out and get on with the business that needs to be done, and maybe we can then recover some of the lost pride of being an American again because of these traitors.”
Related Interviews:

    ‘Not a word said about US, Israel CWs’
    ‘West to twist Ahmadinejad UN speech’

“If you see a snake, just kill it – you don’t appoint a committee on snakes.” – Ross Perot

Americans are finally starting to wake up to the stark reality. The Israeli regime must be erased from the sands of time. If the US really wants peace and security it is time to throw away what is left of the NecCon’s mini-World War they had engaged in after 911 and concentrate on one threat…Israel.
                                                  >Complete Report<

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