Sunday, September 21, 2008

Torture is un-American

The case against torture of war prisoners that Congress and many of the American public have backed can be easily disproved by the experience of one of our own candidates for President John McCain. He was tortured by the North Vietnamese and forced to confess to being a war criminal and signed a document to that affect when he was a prisoner of war. He lied, of course, to stop the torture. That's the kind of false information we also get and will continue to get by using torturous methods. It's just simply un- American. signed Dick Flor , retired cartoonist

1 comment:

Merrily Snider said...

Hi Tim,
Did you notice what McC said at the Debate? He actually admitted that "WE" must have used torture if HE needs to make sure that we never do it again, right. I wonder how many people connected the dots on that issue? Or do people think torture is necessary in today's wars. IMHO, it means that we are putting our troups in a much more dangerous position. Is that what WE call honoring our troups?