Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, 1858: Mother’s Day For Peace

May 9, 1858: Mother’s Day For Peace: By Julia Ward Howe and Gary Kohls for Zinn Education Project and Common Dreams - Mother’s Day began as a call to action to improve the lives of families through health and peace. Ann Jarvis of Appa...

Bearing the Cross (from @Truthdig)

Bearing the Cross (from @Truthdig): The Rev. Daniel Berrigan, whose funeral was held Friday in New York, exemplified the radical call of the Christian Gospels to defy the laws of the state for the laws of God. If we seek salvation, for our nation and for ourselves, we must find his courage and his faith.
- 2016/05/08

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Truthdigger of the Week: The Late Daniel Berrigan, Lifelong Activist for Peace (from @Truthdig)

Truthdigger of the Week: The Late Daniel Berrigan, Lifelong Activist for Peace (from @Truthdig): From the dark days of Vietnam to the endless wars of today, the Jesuit priest-poet remained faithful to his mission: protecting the vulnerable, championing resistance and always, always working toward peace.
- 2016/05/07

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Socialist Alternative (from @Truthdig)

The Socialist Alternative (from @Truthdig): Seattle’s socialist City Council member, Kshama Sawant, has called on Bernie Sanders to break with the Democratic Party and run as an independent. If he refuses, she says, his supporters must build a third party without him.
- 2016/05/01

Sunday, April 24, 2016

How Israel

How Israel: A new film exposes the sophisticated propaganda campaign that keeps both policymakers and the U.S. public on Israel's side.

How the World Runs on Looting the Congo // Empire_File024

Joan Baez on activism, Vietnam, and the guitar

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pictures: displaced Gazans face cold wave in open air - Days of Palestine

Pictures: displaced Gazans face cold wave in open air - Days of Palestine: Due to the strict Israeli-led siege, thousands of displaced Palestinian families in Gaza face the strongest cold wave, hitting the region, in the open air.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Revolution Is in the Air (from @Truthdig)

Revolution Is in the Air (from @Truthdig): The arrests of hundreds—including me—in or near the Capitol have been going on every day for a week. They presage a growing, nationwide uprising against the corporate state.
- 2016/04/16

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The U.S. Military—What a Waste (from @Truthdig)

The U.S. Military—What a Waste (from @Truthdig): Squandering vast sums of taxpayer money is a way of life for the Department of Defense. With that in mind, let’s take a little tour through the highlights of Pentagon waste from the 1960s to the present.
- 2016/04/11

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Wages of Sin (from @Truthdig)

The Wages of Sin (from @Truthdig): Huge segments of working-class whites—victims paying for the sins of American empire—are desperately seeking to halt change and re-create a mythical past. This is always the last, desperate gasp of a dying culture.
- 2016/04/10

Saturday, April 9, 2016

George Carlin: You Have Owners

How Clinton Democrats Killed Roosevelt’s Dream of the Affordable Home (from @Truthdig)

How Clinton Democrats Killed Roosevelt’s Dream of the Affordable Home (from @Truthdig): The following excerpt from Robert Scheer’s book “The Great American Stickup” details the perversion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and is particularly relevant this election season, as it explains the connection between Clinton “progressives” and the 2008 housing meltdown that impoverished millions.
- 2016/04/07

Friday, April 8, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Lie of Patriotism (from @Truthdig)

The Lie of Patriotism (from @Truthdig): A U.S. ranger who served in Afghanistan and a Marine who was in Iraq put light on the dangerous myth that America has built around its “warriors.” Now, in acts of civil disobedience, they are determined to right the wrongs of war.
- 2016/04/03

Monday, March 28, 2016

We All Are Islamic State (from @Truthdig)

We All Are Islamic State (from @Truthdig): The killings in Brussels or Paris and the killings in U.S. military strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria or Libya perpetuate the same dark lusts. The savage tit-for-tat game will not end until we rouse ourselves from our hypnotized state.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Following the Money to War Profiteers

Voting With Our Feet (from @Truthdig)

Voting With Our Feet (from @Truthdig): Bernie Sanders will soon be urging us to support Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. But the Democratic Party, along with a bankrupt liberalism, is as dangerous as Donald Trump. It is time to vote with our feet—by taking to the streets against the corrupt power elite.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Mexicanization of the United States (from @Truthdig)

The Mexicanization of the United States (from @Truthdig): The destruction caused by neoliberalism is global. The patterns of economic, social, cultural and political assault that Mexico has suffered are afflicting countries from Greece to the United States. Only a worldwide anti-capitalist resistance movement will save us.
- 2016/03/13

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism (from @Truthdig)

The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism (from @Truthdig): College-educated elites, on behalf of corporations, carried out the savage neoliberal assault on the working poor. Now these elites are being made to pay. Their duplicity has brought them—and the rest of us—Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
- 2016/03/02

Ray McGovern Exposes Dick Cheney

The MOVE Bombing - When Police Plotted to Exterminate a Family // Empire...

Monday, February 29, 2016

The Graveyard of the Elites (from @Truthdig)

The Graveyard of the Elites (from @Truthdig): The establishment structure is sliding toward its death, and the foremost sign of this is the silly and sickening display of “junk politics” that we call an election campaign.
- 2016/02/28

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Why the Heroin Trade Helped Defeat the US in Afghanistan

Why the Heroin Trade Helped Defeat the US in Afghanistan: America’s Opium War in Afghanistan.

Why I Support Dr. Jill Stein for President (from @Truthdig)

Why I Support Dr. Jill Stein for President (from @Truthdig): The candidate, seeking the Green Party nomination, is the only presidential hopeful who understands that what’s important is not the election—it’s the construction of anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist global movements. The building of these movements alone will save us.
- 2016/02/21

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Somalia, North Korea, Afghanistan Head List Of Corrupt States

Like Your Privacy? Then Get Behind Apple in Its Battle to Save It (from @Truthdig)

Like Your Privacy? Then Get Behind Apple in Its Battle to Save It (from @Truthdig): The FBI is pressuring the tech giant to create a “back door” to gain access to everything on the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists. Supposedly it would be a one-time-only thing. Don’t believe it.
- 2016/02/20

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water (from @Truthdig)

Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water (from @Truthdig): The thousands of Michigan children who were knowingly poisoned were victims of an American moral malaise: Our nation has bred generations of bureaucrats who are blind to values other than self-advancement and profit.
- 2016/02/07

Monday, February 1, 2016

Pity the Children (from @Truthdig)

Pity the Children (from @Truthdig): If we continue to ignore the hunger, poverty and desperate families and communities of our young, we guarantee there will be a huge, violent population plagued by crime, drug addiction and high incarceration rates. If we save the children, we save society.
- 2016/01/31

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

American Medical Industrial Complex

America's legal drug trafficking. Awaken communities locally,nationally and internationally.                                           >Gateway to Inform<  We can, We will, We must take back our planet.

Unraveling the Syria War Chessboard // Empire_File017

The Suicide of the Liberal Church (from @Truthdig)

The Suicide of the Liberal Church (from @Truthdig): The liberal denominations and their seminaries, by betraying the poor, especially people of color, in a desperate bid to stay financially solvent, are making themselves obsolete.
- 2016/01/24

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Mirage of Justice (from @Truthdig)

The Mirage of Justice (from @Truthdig): There seldom are trials for the poor. Instead, under threat of draconian sentences, they are forced to accept plea bargains. The system is a sham set up for elites with godlike powers who seek to advance themselves and their agendas at the expense of the downtrodden.


Monday, January 11, 2016

The Great Forgetting (from @Truthdig)

The Great Forgetting (from @Truthdig): America’s refusal to fund and sustain its intellectual and cultural heritage has come with an enormous cost. We are now paying the bill.
- 2016/01/10