Tuesday, July 28, 2015

In ‘Best of Enemies,’ Politics Becomes the Spectator Sport We’re Still Watching (from @Truthdig)

In ‘Best of Enemies,’ Politics Becomes the Spectator Sport We’re Still Watching (from @Truthdig)

1 comment:

Tim Nolan said...

After William F. Buckley died in February 2008, Truthdig editors received an email from Gore Vidal’s assistant. Attached was Vidal’s retina-singeing statement about Buckley’s death, which blasted the mainstream news business while delivering a deeply personal parting blow.

To say Vidal put a point on his legendary beef with the far-right founder of the National Review is to run with way too feeble a metaphor, given the scorched-earth quality of his sendoff. The most caustic lines in Vidal’s piece—which, after an episode of intercontinental editorial hand-wringing, joined the site’s archive of essays by the iconic author—almost overshadowed a shrewd media critique.

Included in Vidal’s anti-Buckley blitzkrieg were handy observations like these: