Friday, May 15, 2015

The Story of Peter Iannaccone WWII Veteran Used for Psycho-Active Drug T...


Tim Nolan said...

Peter Iannaccone was a progressive WWII Vet who was involuntarily confined to the VA Hospital Canandaigua, N.Y., in 1948. Peter was forcefully removed from the home of his father Antonio Iannaccone's family during a domestic dispute over the control of his VA disability funds after Peter obtained a legal/common law separation. Peter's illiterate domestic partner Mamie was then coerced by VA nurse Marge Johnson (a fellow Christian of Mamie's of English descent) into consenting for Peter's psycho-active drug torture experiments in the mid-1950's & severe electro-shocks in the late 50's in exchange for continued control of his VA funds.

The testimonial/probative evidence of the money trail proves Peter's VA disability funds paid since 1945 were invested into US Savings Bonds via the M&T Bank, University Plaza Branch Office and in 1972 had a value of one million dollars.

Arthur F. Musarra, Esq. the family lawyer since 1953 and lawyer for LCN controlled Local 210 had in 1965 just prior to Peter's release from the VA in 1966 drawn reciprocal Wills for Peter & Mamie leaving their estates to their only son William born in 1952. William's birth according to his maternal cousin Jim Pontrello was due to an induced pregnancy. These Wills were fraudulent instruments since Peter had been legally declared an Incompetent Person, upon examination at E. J. Meyer Memorial Hosp. ( Erie Co. Med Center.) on 8/20/60, as per the Petition of Mamie, by County Court Justice William J. Regan. No committee appointed.

Tim Nolan said...

Peter's release to the home environment in 1966 in a severe state of trauma caused William to be truant from school. Willim was then via a PINS Petition placed on probation in 1967 under Gerald M. Marek (a fellow Christian of Mamie's). This was followed by William's subjugation to psychological torture/sexual molestation by Rev. Lawrence Hardy at ECMC (formally EJMMH) & medical experimentation by Bernard H. Smith M.D. Head Neurologist at ECMC via the N.Y.S. Juvenile Family Court system in the late 1960's. The specifics of this case is well documented in the family "Affidavit to U.S. Congress for Release of Medical Records" at the Face Book Group "Sol Investigation & Video Documentaries" site linked below!/groups/So...

Mamie's brother Joseph Pezzino (a soldier in the Buffalo Sicilian Mafia) and cousin Phil Napoli (who had ties to Magaddino) with Mamie's consent embezzled/laundered Peter's US Savings Bonds in Las Vegas in 1972. The 1040 Individual Income Tax Returns filed by Mamie from 1956 to 1976 show no social security number used for Peter previous to and including 1971. 1972 is missing. Beginning in 1973 through 1976 William's social security number is substituted for Peter's. This evidence in conjunction with the other evidence including Mamie standing in front of Harrah's Casino in Las Vegas in 1972 with her cousin Phil Napoli and "Bucky" Cimminelli a Buffalo construction magnate shows the million dollars was gambled away using William's social security number and went "under the table."
These funds were invested into Samuel's Grande Manor in 1978

For details of evidence of the money trail please see the detailed chronology "Investigation/Evidence for Million Dollar Recovery of Embezzled/Laundered US Savings Bonds by Buffalo Sicilian Mafia & Claimed Homicide of Thomas F. Martin III." at the link below!/notes/wil...

Tim Nolan said...

This video is in preparation for further actions/negotiations with the family/US Government for justice that is long over due including the production of Peter's Will denied under SCPA 1401. And actions for the production of the registration records of US Savings Bonds from the US Dept. of the Treasury. The US Dept of the Treasury admitted in a letter of 3/17/88 "A search of the Dept's Series G, H, and E registration records for May 1941 through January 1979 with the names, addresses and social security account numbers furnished disclosed the issuance of several bonds, all of which were redeemed more than 10 years ago, with the exception of 32 bonds registered in the name of Mamie Iannaccone with Gary Iannaccone named as co-owner which were retired by this office as undeliverable and are presently being reissued to Gary Iannaccone."

William's accomplishments include prevailing in the U.S. Court of Appeals 2nd Cir. for the recovery of over $100,000.00 belonging to my father. William then filed a writ of certiorari with the US Supreme Court file # 01-191 in an attempt to be the first pro se in US history to be compensated for legal work as the prevailing party in a case against a government agency by overturning Kay V. Ehrler, 449 US 432 (1991).
Please see Petition for Writ of Certiorari File # 01-191