Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two big victories on the F-22

Dear Tim,

We just had two amazing victories!

Yesterday, the Senate voted 58 to 40 to end production of the F-22 fighter jet. Thank you for telling your members of Congress that you do not support the F-22.

Prior to yesterday’s vote, President Obama threatened to veto any bill that included the F-22.This is significant because presidents are rarely willing to take the political risk of vetoing a defense authorization bill.

These victories are extremely important. The F-22 is a symbol. Defense Secretary Gates suggested cuts in the production of these war planes because they’re outdated and hugely expensive. If we can’t cut a program that no one wants, what military spending programs can we cut? The success of any future effort to cut military bloat will be hobbled if contractor lobbyists can persuade Congress to give the Pentagon more F-22s it doesn’t want and can’t use.

There are a few more steps before this victory is complete. Act today to keep the momentum going.

This morning, the House Appropriations Committee produced their version of a defense appropriations bill that included funding for the F-22. This funding needs to be stripped from the bill.

Please tell your representative to support amendments to remove F-22 funding from the defense appropriations bill when it comes to the floor next week.

When you e-mail, please personalize the suggested message:

* Say you are a constituent
* Explain why you care about this issue
* Ask your representative to support initiatives to cut funding for the F-22
* Thank your representative for his/her time

The final step to end production of additional F-22s will happen behind closed doors when a select group of Congress members negotiate a compromise between House and Senate versions of the bills to set military spending policies (authorization) and the spending itself (appropriations).

A strong voice from constituents today will help ensure that no back room deals are struck to reinstate the F-22.

Thank you for your good work to turn the tide on bloated military budgets.

In peace,

Mark Graham

Mark Graham
For AFSC’s Wage Peace Campaign team

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