Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Real Sacrificial Lamb

By Jafar M Ramini

At this time of year, all able-bodied Muslims are expected to travel to Mekka and perform one of the most revered pillars of Islam, Al Hajj (The pilgrimage). Before they celebrate EID AL-ADHA they are required to offer a sacrifice of a lamb in memory of Ibrahim and his son, Ismail,

Although the biblical story differs slightly from the Quoran, saying that the son to be sacrificed was not the first born, Ishamel, but Abraham’s second son, Isaac, the message is the same. The Angel of God stops Ibrahim/Abraham at the last moment saying, “now I know you fear God.” Ibrahim/Abraham releases his son, sees a ram caught in the bushes and sacrifices the ram instead.

I wonder, my fellow Muslims, when or if that fear of God will come into our hearts and make us think of the ultimate sacrifice we are offering. Palestine. Not to God, but to our enemies.
                              >Jafar's Complete Article<

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