Saturday, June 15, 2013

Syria Propaganda Looking a Lot Like Iraq Propaganda

How can you tell when a country is about to get invaded? Listen to the sellout traitor talking heads on television tell you the country has "weapons of mass destruction" or "chemical weapons" and is "about to use them on their own people".. The Gullible American public fell for it once, the media and government assume it will work again, only will it?

Fool me once, shame on you.. It's amazing the American people are not up in arms over this obvious scam taking place in order to coax the masses into supporting yet another war.

The only thing stopping them (the cabal running our country) from invading another sovereign nation, plundering our treasury, and ending our soldiers lives is an uneducated, gullible public they are counting on it.
>listen to the messages<

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